We can all benefit from occasionally widening the lens on our work and lives to see how we fit in the world and what might be missing from our field of vision. 4 The Soil and the Virginia Soil Health Coalition are grateful for the many people and partner organizations that are widening our lenses on soil health initiatives in Virginia and beyond. The care of soil, land, and natural resources has regional, national, and international inspirations and applications. We are featuring Creative Solutions for the Environment in Malawi this week as a resource organization with a passion for people and the planet to widen our own lens on soil health. Malawi is a country situated in southeastern Africa near the countries of Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique. Creative Solutions for the Environment was founded by Taona Makunje Chigwenembe and Bosco Chigwenembe of Malawi with an aim to re-establish and maintain ecological balance that accounts for soil-plant, plant-animal, and animal-soil interdependence.
The context of Creative Solutions for the Environment’s work is a bit different than

Virginia, however, they are using an integrated approach to build soil health, address environmental challenges, promote education, and enhance community resilience. To widen your own lens on sustainable agriculture, reforestation, permaculture, and food security as it pertains to Malawi and southeastern Africa, please visit https://csemw.org/ and listen to the latest 4 The Soil: A Conversation episode with Taona Makunje Chigwenembe the executive director of Creative Solutions for the Environment.